About the Register

The UAP Register was founded by Dustin Slaughter in February 2022. The UAPR’s goal is to contribute accurately-sourced reporting to the over 70-year body of research and conversation around the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena(UAP)/Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) mystery, primarily through the use of the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other various open record laws.

About Dustin Slaughter

His lifelong fascination with the phenomenon began as a child, when he and his mother witnessed strange lights exhibiting extraordinary maneuverability in the skies over Central Pennsylvania one night while driving home from his grandparents’ house in the late 1980s.

He currently works in communications for municipal government while pursuing journalism part-time. Before working for local government, he worked as a freelance journalist and legal assistant and frequently used public record laws (both federal and local) to source his reporting. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his partner and her dogs, creating experimental electronic soundscapes, and collecting vinyl records. He currently resides in Philadelphia, PA. All views expressed on this website are his own, and do not reflect those of his employer.

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Investigative reporting examining the intersection of unidentified anomalous phenomena and government bureaucracy.


Dustin's fascination with UAP/UFOs began in the late ‘80s when he witnessed strange lights over Central PA. An ex-journalist, he now works in communications for local government in Philly, PA. Clips: https://dustinslaughter.pressfolios.com/